• 20 years of experience behind us
    We work with the administration of bonds and insurance for companies
    national and international energy, construction and maritime
  • Solid bases to
    strengthen your business
    Loyalty Bonds
    Job and Provence Bonds
    Fianzas de Regimen de Condominio
    Fianzas de Arrendamiento
    Offer Support Bonds
    Criminal and Non-Penal Judicial Bonds
    Fiscal Bonds
    Credit Bonds
  • We provide backup and protection
    to your projects and assets

Commercial Allies

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Eni Resumes Operations and Reveals Development Plans

After a two week halt in operations, Italian oil giant Eni offloaded and exported its first crude oil shipment from the Miamte Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel operating in \...

The US has super-sized its crude oil deliveries to Europe to help replace missing Russian supply

The US has delivered crude oil to Europe in tankers double the normal size, to help ease any gaps as the EU tries to cut its dependency on Russian oil while \...